Game Master #3 - Nov 22  

Posted by kreai in

Today's Challenges:

1. Send Scores Challenge - Surfing the Rapids of Shenkuu

What to do:
Play 10 different games from the list.


2. Game Challenge - Double, Double...

What to do:
1. If you are outside USA, play Sophie's Stew .
Send in a score of 100.

If you need to know how to play this game, I did a guide previously.

2. If you are in USA, play The Water Horse - Crusoe Cruiser,

You need a score of 150 pts. (This is one time I am glad I am not living in USA. LOL)


3. Random Challenge - Exploring in the Games Room

What to do:
Search for 10+ games

Go to the Game Room and type "and" in the search and you have complete 1 challenge.


4. Theme Challenge - Non-existant Themed Games Challenge

Aaa says, "Sorry, this challenge does not exist."

What to do:
You have to play these games from the Jelly World - The World that doesn't exist.

Score 400 in Jelly Blobs of Doom

Score 300 in Bouncy Supreme

Score 250 in Attack of the Gummy Dice


(Is this a glitch? I got 2 rewards when I went to claim the reward. I got the Delicious Faerie Bubbles again for the secret games. Anyone has this happening to you?)

5. Secret Game Challenge

What to do:

Send 400 in Faerie Bubbles


This entry was posted on Thursday, November 22, 2007 at 4:10 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



For the challenge 'Exploring in the Games Room', I typed 'race' and won too.

4:37 PM

Its fairy bubble, you need to score 400

4:39 PM

it's sophie's stew. i did try it and it says challenge complete. i guess tat proves it rite? Glad to help :)

5:43 PM

I think for the first challenge, you need 15 games scores...

8:28 PM

enitsirk, I will check. I haven't done that challenge yet. Will come back and confirm.

9:05 PM

Enitsirk, you are right. We have to play 10 games. 5 had been played on day 1 and day 2. So today we have to play 10 games to make it 15 games altogether.

Thanks for the note.

10:35 PM

Sophie's Stew is driving me crazy. I hope this is one of those games that my boyfriend is good at. ;)

12:27 AM

hi it's not a clich i got 2 items too.

1:11 AM

I've been afraid to send scores in qualifying games that we are not explicitly told to play, afraid that the score will be counted. So today we need 15 games, (5 previously and 5 today). What 5 other games did everyone play? What if you play a game that will be needed in a future challenge but the score has already been counted?

1:23 AM

Cheryl, don't worry. Just played the game on the list. It won't be counted as played. We have to play 10 games today. But there are 5 games from the challenge - Jelly, Bouncey, Attack, Sophie Stew and Faerie Bubble. So you just need to play 5 more from the list. (This last 5 games won't be counted as played. I tried it.

1:34 AM

Shelley, it took be 2 weeks to learn to play Sophie's Stew in the last challenge. Last time, you need 200 points I think. Luckily it's only 100 this year.

1:36 AM

Thanks Nimue for the info.

1:36 AM

Thanks, Kreai. Your guide is so helpful! =)

I know you had Sophie's Stew, but if you or anyone else can give me advice on The Water Horse I would much appreciate it. I don't know why it is so hard for me! I can't get past level 1 and about 70 points. Looks like this is going to be a long day...

1:39 AM

i've earned the fairy bobbles twice too!

4:38 AM

Ah, the boy done good, 107 the first time he played it. I know there are reasons I keep him around. ;)

7:57 PM

Shelley, LOL.

10:10 PM

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