Today's Challenges:
1. Send Scores Challenge - Surfing the Rapids of Shenkuu
What to do:
Play 10 different games from the list.
2. Game Challenge - Double, Double...
What to do:
1. If you are outside USA, play Sophie's Stew .
Send in a score of 100.
If you need to know how to play this game, I did a guide previously.
2. If you are in USA, play The Water Horse - Crusoe Cruiser,
You need a score of 150 pts. (This is one time I am glad I am not living in USA. LOL)
What to do:
Search for 10+ games
Go to the Game Room and type "and" in the search and you have complete 1 challenge.
4. Theme Challenge - Non-existant Themed Games Challenge
Aaa says, "Sorry, this challenge does not exist."
What to do:
You have to play these games from the Jelly World - The World that doesn't exist.
Score 400 in Jelly Blobs of Doom
Score 300 in Bouncy Supreme
Score 250 in Attack of the Gummy Dice
(Is this a glitch? I got 2 rewards when I went to claim the reward. I got the Delicious Faerie Bubbles again for the secret games. Anyone has this happening to you?)
5. Secret Game Challenge
What to do:
Send 400 in Faerie Bubbles