In a world where everything is made out of
jelly, it's eat or be eaten. It was a time of war, a
time of heroes. He was a Chomby. A very hungry Chomby. There was only one who could help him
fulfill his destiny.
crazywoman, Thank you for your tip.

Because of your tip, I made it. Yes!!! I got 430pts.
Like what Crazywoman said, be patient.
Stay in the middle and stay there and wait for the little jelly to come to you.
Don't try to rush to get to those small jelly. There are plenty that will come. Just stay where you are and try to avoid the bigger jelly.
Soon you will be pretty big and you can get the bigger jelly.
Don't give up.
It took me an hour and a cold shower to refresh myself to get this.
If I can do it, anyone can.
Trust me. I am terrible with games that has to use the keyboard.
Add on:
You can be on 2 view.
horizontal (wider)

vertical (thinner)

Other Tips:
1. Move slowly.
To stop the chomby from moving too slowly, you the <-- and --> arrow to control.
2. Too big?
If you wonder if that jelly is small enough to eat, don't do it. Wait for the next one.