Pet Statistics  

Posted by kreai in

Pet Levels:
-1: Not yet Born
1-60: Basic Level
61-90: High
91-120: Very High
121-180: Amazingly High
181+: Too High To Count

Mood Levels:
Extremely happy

Strength Levels:
-1: Not Yet Born
1: Pathetic
2: Very Weak
3-4: Weak
5: Frail
6: Average
7-9: Quite Strong
10-11: Strong
12-13: Very Strong
14: Great
15-16: Immense
17-19: Titanic
20: Herculean
21-39: Great
40-59: Excellent
60-79: Awesome
80-99: Amazing
100-149: Legendary
150+: Ultimate

Defense Levels: -1: Not Yet Born
1: Defenceless
2: Naked
3: Vulnerable
4: Very Poor
5: Poor
6-7: Below Average
8: Average
9: Armoured
10: Tough
11-12: Heavy
13-14: Very Heavy
15: Steel Plate
16: Bullet Proof
17: Semi Deadly Godly
18: Demi Godly
19: Godly
20: Beyond Godly
21-39: Great
40-59: Excellent
60-79: Awesome
100-149: Amazing
150+: Ultimate

Movement Levels:
-1: Not Yet Born
1: Barely Moves
2: Snail Pace
3: Lazy
4: Very Slow
5: Slow
6: Quite Slow
7-8: Average
9: Fast
10: Speedy
11: Super fast
12: Super speedy
13: Breakneck
14: Cheetah
15: Lightening
16-17: Mach 1
18: Mach 2
19: Mach 3
20: Mach 4
21-39: Great
40-59: Excellent
60-79: Awesome
80-99: Amazing
100-149: Legendary
150+: Ultimate

Intelligence Levels:
0-3 books: Dim Witted
4-6 books: Dull
7-10 books: Average
11-14 books: Above Average
15-18 books: Bright
19-22 books: Clever
23-26 books: Very Clever

Check your pet's statistic here.

You can your pet's name at the top right hand corner of your neopet's page where it say pet: (name of your pet)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 10:22 AM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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