Petpet Lab Ray  

Posted by kreai in

How can I get the Petpet Lab Ray?
To gain access to the Petpet Lab you have to have access to the regular Lab Ray and then you can collect the nine map pieces and be able to send your Petpet into the Ray.

What does the Map looks like?

Once you have the all 9 petpet maps. put them in your inventory and go here.

Once you get there, you can decide which petpet you want to zap.
(insert pix)

What does the petpet lab do to my petpet?
The Ray will change your petpet's color, changes it's species, gain or decrease levels, change it's name, turn it into a Pile of Soot, or make your Petpet totally disappear - yes, you run the risk of your petpet disappearing. Then you will have to buy your pet another petpet. I lost my huggy once. It can also choose to do nothing at all. It's all random.

These petpet that you zapped will only stay the way it's zapped if it stays attached to your pet. If you unattached the petpet, it will go back to it's original form. Say a Slorg. If you zapped your slorg into a feepit, when you unattached it, the feepit will go back to being a slorg.

Yes, you will get an avatar when the lab zapped your petpet into a pile of soot.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 13, 2006 at 8:19 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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