Hourly Tasks  

Posted by kreai in

These task can be done a few times a day:

Healing Spring: Every half hour, you can visit the Healing Spring to heal your pet. This is the cheapest way to heal your sick pet. But it takes time.

Coltzan's Shrine: Visit the shrine once every 12 hourly. It will either give you some desert food or increase your pet's statistic or do nothing.

Underwater Fishing: You can fish every 1/2 hour or 6 hourly or 12 hourly. Nobody knows but I suspect it depend on the type of pet you have. When you catch the gaint squid, you will get an avatar.

The giant squid looks like this.

Some people got it at level 35. Most got it at between level 95-99. Lucky me got it at level 120.

Snowager: Visit the snowager at NST: 6am, 2pm, 10pm to either get prizes or be splashed with icy cold water. If you are lucky you will get an avatar. I have gottten so many cold shower and yet to have the avatar.

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