Thanks to Boludototal and May, here's more newer jelly:
CarnaPepper Jelly, Chocolate Jelly, Fish Jelly, Mint Jelly, Raspberry Jelly, Kiwi Jelly, Lint Jelly, Pear Jelly, Purplum Jelly, Smelly Jelly, Squished Jelly
Finally managed to find Robot Jelly. While searching I found a few more new jelly. Wonder if it's given out by the Giant Jelly.
Burnt Jelly, Cheese Jelly, Fire Jelly, Fizzy Faerie Jelly, Frozen Jelly, Mummified Jelly, Queela Jelly, Robot Jelly, Stone Jelly, Tea Jelly.
If you have some of this jelly, you can sell it for quite a lot of NP.
Robot Jelly - only saw this in gallery. Nobody is selling it nor auction it or trading it.
Tea Jelly - 15,000 NP
Mummified Jelly - 6,000 NP