That is very lucky! I've gotton the disease 4 times already! Lucky for me twice while my guy is a petri. I just fed him something with a worm in it and he was better. The first two though cost an arm and a leg. The fairy wasn't being nice to me at all those days.
exactly the same thing happened to me yesterday(with the same reaction of mine after checking the wizard).luckily the fairy was nice after several tries...
Aiks!! My pet also got the same disease! I spent the money to get the cream -- didn't know healing springs can help! Aiya!!
Briorias, if your pet got any disease or sick, just visit the healing spring every 1/2 hour until the faerie completed heal it. Don't waste the NP on medicine. It takes time, but your pet will be healed in this way.
But if the medicine is cheap like a few thousand, I will buy the medicine. LOL. Hate to see my pet sick. :D
me - Wow!!! 4 times? {{faint}}
Yeah. 4. I'm not so lucky ;)
Dang.... ouch.. I'v never got a disease 4m the 'box'. *touch wood*
but I did get this today... *evil grin*
shannon, can't see the pix. It asked for password.
I shouldn't have read this page. Now my pet's got Rep-whatchamacallit. I can't find a single shop selling it at the moment. The pharmacy is out of stock. I gotta wait.
door Alarm Chime
Thank you for sharing it for me great help.You can learn the information of some electronic products from newfreeshipping
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Avatar to Wait For

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Have the Mad About Orange avatar

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Mystery Island Mystic

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How to get the Avatar:
When you get a fortune with the word "Kyrii" or "Kyries" from HERE.
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Buzz, dancer contains
repudiates, usable
power, symbol smiles.

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Randomly awarded while refreshing HERE.
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What's New at Neopet?
Dailies Duties
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Monthly Freebies
To Do List for Newbie:
2. Train your Pet at Mystery Island or Swashbuckling Academy. Train Level, Health Points(HP), Strength and Defense - in this order.
3. Earn NP by Playing Games.
4. Fight at battledome.
5. Earn Trophies.
6. Collect Avatar.
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