DoN: Series 2 - Mission 1 - Mr Chuckes  

Posted by kreai in ,

Series 2 has only 2 mission right now. Once again, go to the HQ and enter Series 2. Then read the comic.

Mission 1: Mr. Chuckles (difficulty: 10)

Where to find him?

1. Go to the Haunted Woods.
2. Then go to the Deserted Fairgrounds.
3. Then go to the Spooky Scratchcards and hover your mouse over Sidney until the text box appears.
4. Then go to Test Your Strength and hover your mouse over Arnold until the text box appears.
5. Then go to Coconut Shy and hover over the greasly-looking Quiggle until the text box appear.
6. Keep refreshing on Coconut Shy until you get challenged by the wacky clown Kacheek!

How to fight him?

1. Read the story.
If you follow through the story, it should bring you to the battledome page.

2. If not go here to enter the battledome.

3. Before you go into battle, purchase your weapon first. In this case, the wet snowballs. It's cheap. About 5np from the wizard. Equip it to your pet.

When you click on equipment at your pet page, it will show that your pet has been equip with what weapon.

4. Click on the 1 player and it will lead you to Challenge Battledome Opponents Page.

5. Select a pet, and click on the challenger. That's "Mr. Chuckles" for this mission.

6. It will bring you into battle.
Click on 2 wet snowball and choose fierce fight. Then press GO.

7. If it didn't kill him, click on 2 more wet snowballs and fierce fight and viola. He's killed.

8. Victory

9. Then click "Back to Defender of Neopia Headquarter"

Click on Series 2, you should be able to click on "your gift". Click it and then go see it at your userlookup. That beautiful trophy.

Note: Best to fight him with a pet that has 20-30hp

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